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  Blessing by the Goddess (Nature, Freya, Demeter, Great Mother)

  The Tarot is a 78-sheet set of maps that will be used for psychological purposes, and oracle. The Tarot encourages self-reflection and strengthen your own wisdom. Click on a random generator on the internet (1-78 insert) and click Generate. Interprete the Tarot always with the principles of truth and love. The message must correspond to your inner truth and be helpful for you. The presented interpretation of tarot cards is based on the Rider-Waite Tarot and the knowledge of the Enlightenment. You can print out the Tarot (left tools), write the numbers 1-78 on little peaces of paper and play it with friends.

  The Fool

  1. The Fool strolls relaxed and carefree through life. He is on the right way for him. He lives as a free mystic. In his view, he is a wise and from the perspective of ordinary people is a fool. They all strive for outer wealth. They run for professional success, a dream partner and maximum consumption. Only the Fool lives otherwise. He follows the path of inner happiness and all-embracing love.

  On the right shoulder he wears his walking stick. He goes relaxed but with self-discipline his spiritual path. In his left hand he holds a white rose. It symbolizes his love for God, his spiritual goal. A small white dog is with him. The Fool has some companions along the way into the light. The path of the Fool leads through the mountains of enlightenment. The sun is shining. The enlightened masters (God) guard his way. The fool is leaded by his inner voice and his good karma.

  Oracle = Live today primarily from the pleasure principle. Feel just your physical and spiritual needs. Follow your inner spontaneous impulse. Be yourself. Live yourself. What do you want now? What do you need now? Enjoy being. Make yourself the day beautiful.

  The Master of the Five Elements

  Standing in the Germanic rune: Changing affliction into accepting.

  2. The highest art of magic is to conjure from the five elements earth, fire, water, air and ether (space) the Philosopher's stone. With the philosopher's stone, you can turn iron (a stressed soul) into gold (an enlightened soul). For the right recipe for the production of gold in the Middle Ages many people were looking for. They all failed because they did not understand that the doctrine of the five elements is a psychological method. Gold in the alchemy is a state of consciousness that means inner happiness. The inner happiness can be achieved if we consistently exercise the five qualities earth (joy), fire (self-discipline), water (a good feeling for the right way), air (ego resolution, taking things as they are, flowing positive with the wind of life) and love (unity consciousness, ether). For this, the magician (Master of the five elements) has on his table a coin (earth), a rod (fire), a chalice (water) and a sword (air). The fifth element is symbolized by the decoration of the room with red roses (love) and white lilies (purity).

  The magician raises his wand in the air. He has the power to win. He is the Master of the five elements. He will get the inner happiness (enlightenment). He sacrifices his ego by putting his left hand to the ground. He thinks his magic spell (a mantra, a positive word, the oracle sentences). And turns into a golden Enlightened (King of the Coins). Above his head is a halo of a horizontal eight, the infinity sign, that means eternal life in the light. The posture of the magician shows the Germanic rune: Sacrificing the ego. A vertical line (standing man) that is crossed diagonally (arms).

  Oracle = You are a Master of life. You win through the five elements. Live in the right moment and in the right amount the five qualities peace, wisdom, love, joy and self-discipline. Sacrifice your ego. Take your situation as it is. Let your false wishes go. Concentrate on your spiritual path (inner happiness, enlightenment, God). Live healthy and happy. Have some fun. Love all. Do good. Forward with wisdom and self-diszipline. Success.

  The High Priestess

  3. The High Priestess (Mistress) sits in a blue dress (inner peace) in the temple of wisdom (enlightenment) on a throne. To her right is a black and on the left a white pillar (the left and the right Kundalini channel is activated). She holds in her lap a holy book (Bible). She is centered in her spirituality. On her heart chakra we see a christian cross. She has overcome her ego and lives in God (in the light of enlightenment, the higher consciousness). Behind the High Priestess is a beautiful curtain of palms and pomegranates. The palm trees and apples indicate victory and happiness. The High Priestess will triumph in her life because she consistently goes her way of inner happiness and universal love. At her feet we find a crescent moon. The moon is a symbol of the path of peace. The High Priestess lives in calmness and acts out of her inner peace, her intuition and her love.

  Oracle = Live as a wise woman or wise man. Go the way of wisdom. In the outer life there is a constant changing of sorrow and joy. Nothing is permanent. Anchor yourself in your inner happiness. Consistently go your spiritual path. Make each day your spiritual practices (yoga, reading, praying, meditating). The most important exercise of the wise woman is the daily reading in a spiritual book (oracle). As a result, she never loses her wisdom and will after all external crises always return to her spiritual path. Follow your clear head and your inner sense (intuition). "My way of wisdom is ... Unwisdom is ...). Forward. Success.

  The Path of Love

  The Goddess (Empress, Great Mother)

  4. Day of Blessing. The sky is full of light. From a forest, a river brings good energy. A grain field with ripe ears of corn indicates great harvest. Amidst the grain field sits the Goddess (Empress, Great Mother, Freya, Demeter, Mahadevi) in a white dress full of painted roses (purity and love) and a crown of stars on her head (cosmic consciousness). To her right is a large heart with the Venus sign (love). The left hand is relaxed on her knee. The Goddess of Love is well grounded. She rests in herself and in her inner happiness.

  In her raised right hand she holds a scepter with a crystal ball on it. The ball is a symbol of life in the light (in God). The Goddess (Empress) is enlightened. The light of God shines through her to the world. The Goddess gives her light to her fellow man. She sees herself primarily as a mother of all beings. The Goddess sits comfortably on a large sofa. She acts out of living in rest, being and happiness. Who goes the way of love based in his own peace and happiness, does not use up his energy. His energy, love and happiness is growing more and more.

  Oracle = Go the path of love. Who lives in all-embracing love und does good to all, harvests a good karma (fate). What is the abundance in your life? What can you give to make your fellow people happy? Give you enough breaks. Don´t exhaust your energy. Live in the balance of rest und acting. Give centered in your own happiness. Think the mantra, "I send light to (name). May all people be happy. May the word be happy." What is your deed of love today? Success.

  The Path of Self-discipline

  5. In a desert a king with a white beard sits on a throne. Under his red cape, he wears a suit of armor. This points to his iron will. He is a master of himself. He has the ability of self-discipline. In his left hand the king holds a ball. The ball represents the spiritual goal of a life in the light (in God, in a unity consciousness). The king strives for enlightenment. He wants to realize his inner happiness. He can achieve his goal, if he does his spiritual exercise constantly and with self-discipline. Behind the throne, we see a blue river flowing. The king must awaken his Kundalini energy. When the energy in him begins to flow, the king will become happy.

  In his right hand the king holds an (Egyptian) cross. At the corners of the throne are four rams' heads. The king has to sacrifice his ego. He has to take things as they are. In the moment he lives in a desert, in the desert of unhappiness. The way to happiness is to take his situation as it is and to go with self-discipline his way of wisdo
m and love. The iron king symbolizes the strong God Father (Moses in the desert, the Yoga-God Shiva, the German God of War Odin, the Greek GodZeus). With wisdom, power and self-discipline he rules his land, his people and over himself. What goal he takes, he achieves it.

  Oracle = Bring yourself with your spiritual practices into the light. Your way goes through a difficult phase. Listen carefully to the wise king in you. Take things as they are. Let your false wishes go. Live according to a clear schedule. Achieve your goals with self-discipline. "My goals are ... My way to reach my goals is ..." Forward. Success.

  The Enlightened Master

  6. In the temple of God, sits the spiritual Master (Hierophant, High Priest) in a red robe with a golden crown on his head. Two keys lie under his feet in the form of a cross (ego sacrificing). The Master has the spiritual knowledge to open the temple of inner happiness (how to awaken the Kundalini energy). He knows what to do and what to let go of on the path of enlightenment. He can give every person the spiritual practices that personally are effective for him. Besides the two keys are two spiritual students (monks, yogis). One student has a red robe with roses. The other student wears a blue cape with white lilies on it. One student must live primary as a helper of all beings to awaken his enlightenment energy. The other student must primarily do his spiritual exercises (yoga, walking, reading, meditation, mental work) to attain enlightenment.

  The Master holds up the triple cross of wisdom, love and self-discipline in his left hand and swears with his right hand by God always to tell the truth. He sits between two pillars in the temple of God. He lives in the light (cosmic unity conciousness). His left and right Kundalini channel is activated. When energy is in the left and right side of the body, automatically starts the main energy in the middle channel to flow from the feet up to the head. This is represented here by a golden crown as a symbol of the activated crown chakra and also by the white stripe in the middle of his shell (body). The Master ist enlightened and therefor has the possibility to bless us with true spiritual knowledge and energy.

  Oracle = Your life is blessed. You will win on your spiritual path. Listen consistently to the voice of your inner truth. Find the right daily exercises for you. Live as a spiritual Master. Master your life. Help your fellow men on their way. Follow the path of your wisdom and love. Think the mantra, "Om all enlightened Masters. Om inner wisdom. Please guide and help me on my way." Forward. Success.

  The Light

  7. The Lovers. A man and a woman (Adam and Eve) walk together the path of enlightenment. Behind everyone of them grows a tree. Everyone has his own personal path. The enlightment tree (tree of paradise) is a symbol of the Kundalini energy (the Kundalini channel in the middle of the body). Around Eve's tree (tree of knowledge of good and evil) winds a snake. The snake is a symbol of wisdom. The woman has a good contact to her inner voice (her feelings). Adam's tree (tree of eternal life in the light), however, is slightly larger. The man has more power and self-discipline. To get enlightenment (a life in the light) we need the quality of wisdom and the quality of self-discipline. We need love and strength. If the male and the female aspects in us work good together, we can reach our goal and stay permanently in the light.

  In the middle between Adam and Eve, rises the mountain of enlightenment. Over the hill appears God in a cloud. Above him shines a large sun. The sun symbolizes the energy of God (the light). God lives in the light and blesses us with light (with spiritual success). He spreads his hands over us and guides us on our way. God has great wings in the Tarot card. He can be seen as a Guardian Angel. In any case expresses the card that we are protected by higher powers. We are protected as a single person or as a couple. The card can also mean that a relationship succeeds.

  Oracle = You are protected. You can go your way with confidence. God (the enlightened Masters, the Guardian Angel) is with you. Follow your inner voice of truth and love. Go consistenly your personal way of rightness (wisdom). Then you will conquer. "The right way is ... Not right is ..." Forward with optimism. Success.

  The Path of Rest

  8. The Chariot reaches its goal of enlightenment (healing, happiness) by doing nothing (living in rest, wu wei). It is pulled by two seated sphinxes. One of the sphinxes is black and the other white. White is the color of purification (doing exercises) and black symbolizes the path of rest. Rest and spiritual practices are the way to healing and holiness. In the chariot, a man stands with a crown of stars on his head (cosmic consciousness). He wants to come to enlightenment. Behind him is a blue curtain with many bright stars. He wants to live in being, in God and in happiness.

  The secret of enlightenment is to live in enough rest so that the energy of a person turns inward. Normally a person uses up his energy in outer activities. At a certain point of rest, the energy turns inwardly and resolves all tensions. Whoever finds this point of calm and consistently lives in it, grows to enlightenment, healing and happiness. He comes into a life in the light. The body heals the tensions nearly by its own. We have only to do also some spiritual practices for our body and our mind. We can do some yoga, meditation, going, reading and mental work (positive thinking). We have to feel what we need and what brings us to inner healing and happiness.

  Oracle = You need plenty of rest. Live today as a Buddha (Sphinx) of Rest. Let all external goals go of. Avoid hyperactivity. Relax. What is your way of rest now? What spiritual exercises do you need? Get to inner peace. Enjoy your life. Bring so much joy in your day that you feel well in your life.

  Self Mastery

  9. Strength. We see a dry desert, at the horizon a blue mountain, and in the foreground a white woman who tames a lion. The lion is a part of her inner self. The woman is fighting with herself. In her fight her spiritual wishes (inner happiness, enlightenment, living in God) with her wordly desires (career, relationship, consumption, outer wealth). The woman will win. She has a flower crown on her head. The sky is yellow. Optimism. The name of the card is strength. Forward with strength.

  The woman is struggling hard. With wisdom and inner strength the woman solves her problems. She thinks carefully about her situation, her goals and her way. She makes a clear decision and walks her path of wisdom consistently. She closes the lion's mouth. The lion cannot eat the goddes. She controls the animal in her. Step by step she succeeds on her way (to the blue mountain of enlightenment). Step by step she realizes the goddess in her. Above her head is a horizontal eight, a symbol of the eternal life in the light.

  Oracle = Wisdom is to distinguish the essential from the inessential. Wisdom is to make health, happiness and all-embracing love to the center of your life. What are your goals? In what way can you achieve your goals? Educate your thoughts and you'll grow into happiness. "Wisdom is ... Unwisdom is ..." Forward with self-discipline and fortitude. Success.

  The Hermit

  10. A hermit in a gray cloak stands on a snowcapped mountain with a lantern in his right hand and a long staff in his left hand. Around him is only the blue sky. The man symbolizes a yogi who lives and practices separated from his fellow men. His lantern shines a bright light. The lantern is a term for the interior of the yogi. The inner light enlightens him, shows him his way of practicing and enlightens also the world around him. Because of the inner light, he can live happy in his seclusion.

  His body forms the position of the Is-Rune. The old german word "is" means ice and symbolizes the technique of meditation. In meditation the mind becomes quiet. It is like frozen ice. The hermit practices meditation in sitting, standing, going and lying. This is the original buddhist way to enlightenment. Living in secluded rest, meditating and working on the mind (finding thoughts of peace, love and wisdom) is the fastes path to inner peace and happiness.

  Oracle = You need a lot of rest to find yourself and to develop your inner happiness. Success on the path of seclusion, rest and spiritual practice (yoga, walking,meditation, reading, positive thinking).

  If you are in a relationship or together with other people (a gro
up), find every day some time for yourself. Make some spiritual exercises. Come to rest and inner peace, until the happiness awakes in yourself. Then you can live in giving. This is the best way to lasting happiness in a relationship.

  If you are a single, use the opportunity to fast spiritual growth. Those who live alone, may well develop their inner happiness. Enlightenment occurs through a lot of rest connected with enough spiritual practice. Most singles flee the silence and the resulting boredom. This boredom is only a transitional stage to enlightenment, when we combine it with spiritual exercises. Then there is no more loneliness, but only egolessness, unity consciousness, happiness, positivity and all-embracing love.

  Good Destiny

  11. In the sky appears the wheel of Fortune. It is the signpost to a blessed life. Around the wheel are the symbols of the five elements. The lion represents the daily self-discipline in spiritual practice. The eagle can differentiate with his good eyes the essential from the inessential in life. The angel follows the path of all-embracing love. The bull is a sacrificial animal. If we sacrifice our ego, we come to enlightenment.

  The fifth element is the wheel itself. Its circular shape means cosmic consciousness (wholeness, oneness, the zen circle). On the wheel sits a blue Sphinx(Buddha) with a sword. The Sphinx has overcome her ego and awaken her enlightenment energy. Besides the wheel, we see a jackal (egyptian God of death Anubis, sacrificing the ego) and the Kundalini serpent (awaking the inner happiness).

  Oracle = After initial difficulties tends the day (your life) to a good end. Who sows good fortune will harvest a good destiny. Live wise and get a good karma. Organize your life as a way of fortune. Plan your life well. Become a happy Sphinx (Buddha, Holy, Goddess, Enlightened). Follow the goal of inner happiness and all-embracing love. Transform your life into a paradise. Be a wise eagle, a strong lion, an angel of love, an egoless bull, and a happy Sphinx (Master of Destiny). What is your way to a good destiny? "My goals are ... My path of a good destiny is ... " Success.